Naranja (#FF573D)

Naranja (#fd857c)

Accesible AA: #FF573D

Translational Medical Oncology

Translational Medical Oncology

The Translational Medical Oncology Unit focuses on developing projects that facilitate the transition to precision medicine in the field of medical oncology in Navarra. To do this, we integrate translational research, understood as the link between the clinic and the laboratory, and basic research, understood as the study of the biology that characterises carcinogenesis and its progression. Our lines focus on the study of genetic alterations in both tumour biopsy and liquid biopsy, with the aim of identifying molecular biomarkers that facilitate the management of the disease. In addition, we study the immune component and its interaction with tumour cells, to characterise key cell populations in the development of new strategies in immunotherapy. 

Lines of research:

  • Establishment and monitoring of the blood and plasma sample collection circuit 
  • Development of translational research projects
  • Training in the area of translational research for Medical Oncology residents
Investigador principal
Área de investigación
Medicina de precisión en Oncología Médica
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Unidad de investigación / Grupo Vinculado

Navarrabiomed-Centro de Investigación Biomédica
Hospital Universitario de Navarra, edificio de investigación.
C/ Irunlarrea 3. 31008 Pamplona, Navarra. España

Cirugía Esofagogástrica y Bariátrica

Grupo multidisciplinar que estudia los resultados quirúrgicos de la patología esofagogástrica y bariátrica y la implementación de la cirugía mínimamente invasiva en el HUN.
La Unidad de Cirugía Esofagogástrica inicia su andadura en 2011 después de la fusión de los Servicios de Cirugía del Hospital Universitario de Navarra. Uno de los objetivos de la Unidad es el registro y estudio crítico de los resultados de su actividad diaria con el fin de realizar una mejora constante de los cuidados de los pacientes.

Investigador principal
Área de investigación
Digestive system & metabolism
Mejora de los cuidados de los pacientes
Colaboraciones Logotipos
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Unidad de investigación / Grupo Vinculado
Cirugía Esofagogástrica y Bariátrica

Navarrabiomed-Centro de Investigación Biomédica
Hospital Universitario de Navarra, edificio de investigación.
C/ Irunlarrea 3. 31008 Pamplona, Navarra. España

Epidemiology of Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases

El grupo de investigación en Epidemiología  de Enfermedades no transmisibles tiene como objetivos fundamentales el desarrollo de estudios epidemiológicos sobre enfermedades crónicas, particularmente cáncer y enfermedades cardiovasculares, tanto descriptivos como etiológicos, mediante el desarrollo de estudios de cohorte y los registros poblacionales de cáncer, infarto de miocardio y enfermedades raras. Otra línea de trabajo se basa en el estudio de la mortalidad desde el punto de vista poblacional: desarrollo de indicadores, estudios de tendencias y desigualdades socioeconómicas asociadas a la mortalidad.

Investigador principal
Área de investigación
Epidemiology & public health
Estudios epidemiológicos enfermedades crónicas
Unidad de investigación / Grupo Vinculado
Epidemiology of Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases

Navarrabiomed - Centro de investigación biomédica
Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra, edificio de investigación.
Calle Irunlarrea, 3. 31008 Pamplona, Navarra, España.

Polytrauma Patients

El grupo de investigación en Pacientes Politraumatizados está integrado por un equipo de Investigación estable constituido por médicos del Sistema de Emergencias de Navarra interesados en aspectos epidemiológicas y de calidad asistencial de dichos pacientes.

Nuestras investigaciones se han desarrollado a través de proyectos financiados por diferentes agencias (Unión Europea, FIS y Departamento de Salud del Gobierno de Navarra). En los últimos años hemos tenido una importante actividad científica resumida en la concesión de 7 becas de investigación, la defensa de 4 tesis doctorales, la publicación en revistas indexadas con factor de impacto de 30 publicaciones y la presentación de comunicaciones a diferentes congresos nacionales e internacionales.

Investigador principal
Área de investigación
Primary Care & Healthcare Services
Aspectos epidemiológicas y de calidad asistencial
Lafuente Jiménez, Alberto
Clinica Universidad de Navarra
Beaumont Caminos, Carlos
Hospital Universitario de Navarra
Unidad de investigación / Grupo Vinculado
Polytrauma Patients

Navarrabiomed - Centro de investigación biomédica
Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra, edificio de investigación.
Calle Irunlarrea, 3. 31008 Pamplona, Navarra, España.

Clinical Microbiology

El grupo de investigación en microbiología clínica está formado por los microbiólogos clínicos que trabajan en la red pública de Navarra tanto en el CHN como en los hospitales de Tudela y Estella. Las líneas de investigación pertenecen a distintos ámbitos de la Microbiología clínica e incluyen infecciones comunitarias, las relacionadas con asistencia sanitaria, producidas por bacterias, virus, hongos o parásitos, así como el estudio de  las resistencias a los antimicrobianos.

Investigador principal
Área de investigación
Epidemiology & public health
Microbiólogos de la red pública de Navarra
Unidad de investigación / Grupo Vinculado
Clinical Microbiology

Navarrabiomed - Centro de investigación biomédica
Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra, edificio de investigación.
Calle Irunlarrea, 3. 31008 Pamplona, Navarra, España.

Respiratory Disease

Grupo implicado en la investigación de los aspectos relacionados con el diagnóstico y tratamiento de enfermedades respiratorias. Se trata de un grupo multidisciplinar compuesto por investigadores del servicio de neumología del CHN así como de investigadores de la Universidad Pública de Navarra.

Investigador principal
Área de investigación
Primary Care & Healthcare Services
Diagnóstico y tratamiento enfermedades respiratorias
Gómez Fernández, Marisol
Universidad Pública de Navarra
Unidad de investigación / Grupo Vinculado
Respiratory Disease

Navarrabiomed - Centro de investigación biomédica
Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra, edificio de investigación.
Calle Irunlarrea, 3. 31008 Pamplona, Navarra, España.  

Anaesthesiology, Reanimation and Pain Management

Nuestras líneas de investigación se centran en el desarrollo de estrategias que aumenten la seguridad de los pacientes que van a someterse a procedimientos quirúrgicos. Nuestro objetivo es disminuir las complicaciones perioperatorias y mejorar el pronóstico de dichos pacientes.

Investigador principal
Equipo de investigadores
Área de investigación
Primary Care & Healthcare Services
Seguridad en pacientes - procedimientos quirúrgicos
Unidad de investigación / Grupo Vinculado
Anaesthesiology, Reanimation and Pain Management

Navarrabiomed - Centro de investigación biomédica
Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra, edificio de investigación.
Calle Irunlarrea, 3. 31008 Pamplona, Navarra, España. 

Grupo de Investigación Clínica en Oncología Médica

El Grupo de Investigación Clínica en Oncología Médica se centra en el desarrollo de proyectos de investigación traslacional en multiples entidades oncológicas con el objetivo fundamental de hallar biomarcadores diagnósticos, predictivos y/o pronósticos, que ayuden, por tanto, en el diagnóstico precoz (prevención secundaria, recaída) y la optimización de los tratamientos oncológicos disponibles.

Investigador principal
Área de investigación
Oncology & Hematology
Diagnóstico precoz y optimización de tratamientos oncológicos

Navarrabiomed leads a multicenter study that could increase the efficacy of immune checkpoint blockade therapies in lung cancer

  • Fractalkine was identified as a key biomarker associated to clinical response to immune checkpoint blockade therapy which could improve its efficacy in one of the four most frequent types of cancer

Navarrabiomed carried out a study in which the status of the immune system was evaluated in lung cancer patients before and during immunotherapy. The study showed that the quantities and diversity of immune cells (myeloid cells) in blood from patients who responded to immunotherapies was comparable to that of healthy individuals. Moreover, the researchers found that elevated concentrations of fractalkine were found in these patients. Fractalkine is a protein required for maintaining an active, functional immune system. These findings could lead to the development of new treatments and more efficacious immunotherapies by using this protein in conjunction with current therapies. 

The results were published in the journal EMBO Reports. The project was coordinated by Dr. Ana Bocanegra and Dr. Grazyna Kochan, researchers at the Onco-Immunology Unit of Navarrabiomed headed by Dr. David Escors. The study was carried out in close collaboration with the department of Medical Oncology at Hospital Universitario de Navarra (HUN) led by Dr. Ruth Vera, and it was funded by grants from the Spanish Association Against Cancer, Carlos III Health Institute-ERDF and the Government of Navarra’s Ministry of Economic and Business Development. 

Research development 

The study identified fractalkine as a biomarker of response by associating elevated concentrations of the protein with a better response to immune checkpoint blockade therapies. This protein was also presented as a new therapeutic agent capable of increasing the efficacy of PD-1 immune checkpoint blockade therapies in animal models of lung cancer that were previously resistant to this therapy. 

The authors reported that therapies that are more efficacious could be developed from these results in the medium/long term by using fractalkine to stimulate immunoreactivity and thus improve the response to immunotherapy. 

“These results confirm the need for a functional immune system prior to the administration of immunotherapies and, most importantly, they open up a line of research in which the anti-tumor action of fractalkine can be enhanced. In the long term, fractalkine treatment in combination with immunotherapies could be assessed in clinical trials,” said Navarrabiomed researcher Grazyna Kochan. 

Collaborative study

The research team from Navarrabiomed and HUN collaborated with multidisciplinary groups from Navarra, La Rioja and Madrid coordinated by professionals with a proven track record in cancer research and clinical care, including: Dr. Rubén Pío, Dr. Luis Montuenga and Dr. Juan José Lasarte from Cima Universidad de Navarra, Dr. Alejandra Roncero from Hospital Universitario San Pedro (Logroño, La Rioja), Dr. Carolina Gotera from Hospital Universitario Fundación Jiménez Díaz (Madrid), Dr. Alfonso Ventura from Centro de Salud Salazar-Ezcároz (Navarra) and Dr. José Pichel from Centro de Investigación Biomédica de La Rioja (CIBIR, Logroño). Patients and their family members at the HUN and residents in Centro de Salud Salazar-Ezcároz (Navarra) also participated in the study.

Caption > From left to right: Luis Montuenga (Cima), David Escors and Grazyna Kochan (Navarrabiomed), Ruth Vera (HUN) y Rubén Pío (Cima). Absent in the photo: Ana Bocanegra (Navarrabiomed).

Galería de imágenes
From left to right: Luis Montuenga (Cima), David Escors and Grazyna Kochan (Navarrabiomed), Ruth Vera (HUN) and Rubén Pío (Cima).
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Alsina Maqueda, María
IP del Grupo de Oncología Médica Traslacional
Arasanz Esteban Hugo
Especialista en Oncología Médica
Morilla Ruiz, Idoia
Adjunta del servicio de Oncología Médica
Unidad de investigación / Grupo Vinculado

Navarrabiomed-Centro de Investigación Biomédica
Hospital Universitario de Navarra, edificio de investigación.
C/ Irunlarrea 3. 31008 Pamplona, Navarra. España

Physical Activity, Children and Youth

Physical Activity, Children and Youth

The impact of exercise and physical activity on the physical and mental health of ill or apparently healthy young people.

Investigador principal
Área de investigación
Active and healthy life
The impact of physical activity in young people

Experts gathered at UPNA urge health professionals to prescribe physical activity for the prevention of chronic disease


Experts gathered at the Public University of Navarra (UPNA) have urged health and sports professionals to become ‘health agents’ by promoting physical activity among young people and pregnant women. Their goal is to improve the health and fitness of the population as a strategy to prevent non-communicable chronic diseases like obesity, heart disease or type 2 diabetes. A symposium was held by UPNA in Pamplona on Thursday 9 May to discuss exercise prescription as a way to improve health in all ages. Organised by the School of Medical Sciences and the Department of Medical Sciences, the event drew some 130 sports, health and biomedical experts.

Two UPNA researchers, who are also members of Navarrabiomed (the joint biomedical research centre of the Government of Navarra and the Public University of Navarra) and the Navarra Medical Research Institute (IdiSNA), delivered speeches: Mikel Izquierdo Redín, organiser the event, and Robinson Ramírez-Vélez. Mikel Izquierdo talked about strength training and the functions of the muscular system, ‘which a number of health professionals consider important for improving health and recovering from diseases linked with a sedentary lifestyle and population ageing, as well as for optimising sport performance after muscle injury.’ He debunked some of the myths created by pseudo-therapies in connection with strength training and improved muscle function. He said that muscle loss is not an inevitable outcome of ageing, as it can be prevented with proper training. He also observed that it is not true that children cannot do strength training exercises; on the contrary, they can, as long as they engage in controlled movements that are suitable for their age. He insisted that fitness ‘always’ offers benefits to patients who suffer from diseases such as type 2 diabetes and denied that the best muscle training is the one associated with extreme fatigue.

Finally, Izquierdo questioned the effectiveness and validity of the Kinesio Taping Method (which consists in applying elastic strips on muscles to treat pain), hypopressive techniques, electro stimulation suits and muscle roller sticks.

Health and pregnancy

Robinson Ramírez-Vélez said that, despite the efforts made to prevent non-communicable chronic disease, such as promoting healthy habits like physical exercise, a balanced diet, a good night’s sleep, quitting smoking and drinking, and so on, ‘we have failed to obtain the desired results.’ Studies reveal, he added, that ‘the mother’s state of health during pregnancy conditions to some extent the developing baby’s health later in life.’ He highlighted the importance of physical activity in children and adolescents – both aerobic exercise and resistance/strength training. Also, he insisted that health professionals should prescribe physical activity in all stages of life, even pregnancy.

The closing lecture was delivered by Antonio García-Hermoso, of Navarrabiomed and IdiSNA. He showed his disappointment in the fact that ‘Physical Education in school is not considered to be as important as subjects.’ He cited important international studies concluding that ‘exercise in youth is good for both physical and mental wellbeing.’ Finally, García-Hermoso recommended that ‘sports should be given the importance they deserve in primary, secondary and higher education.’

Galería de imágenes
Antonio García-Hermoso, Mikel Izquierdo and Robinson Ramírez.
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Functional training space
Unidad de investigación / Grupo Vinculado
Physical Activity, Children and Youth

Navarrabiomed - Centro de investigación biomédica
Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra, edificio de investigación.
Calle Irunlarrea, 3. 31008 Pamplona, Navarra, España. 

Algebra and Applications

Algebra and Applications

The Algebra and Applications multidisciplinary research team is made up of mathematicians and telecommunications engineers. At present, their lines of research are centred on the development of theoretical methods for gathering information based on data from different sources. They develop techniques and algorithms that are used in fields such as biomedical data classification, medical decision making, and evaluation and classification of movements in people with motor disabilities or the elderly.

Lines of research:

  • Machine-learning methods for multimodal information extraction.
  • Multimodal analysis of human movement. Application to rehabilitation and functional capacity improvement.
  • Techniques for optimising information extraction from clinical signs obtained with non-invasive techniques.
  • Group theory. Aggregation and engagement: application to data classification and decision-making under uncertainty.
Investigador principal
Área de investigación
Big Data & Bioengineering
Algebra and Applications
Colaboraciones Logotipos
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Lecumberri Villamediana, Pablo
Universidad Pública de Navarra
Martínez Ramírez, Alicia
Universidad Pública de Navarra
Millor Muruzabal, Nora
Universidad Pública de Navarra
Uzqueda Esteban, Itziar
Universidad Pública de Navarra
Vidaurre Arbizu, Carmen
Universidad Pública de Navarra
Unidad de investigación / Grupo Vinculado
Algebra and Applications

Navarrabiomed - Centro de investigación biomédica
Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra, edificio de investigación.
Calle Irunlarrea, 3. 31008 Pamplona, Navarra, España.