European Joint Action on antimicrobial resistance EU-JAMRAI

International Projects
Project management unit
European Joint Action on antimicrobial resistance EU-JAMRAI

The overall objective of the AMR-HCAI JA is to ensure that policies for control of AMR and HCAI are adopted and implemented across EU MS in a coordinated way, ensuring national specificities are accounted for, in line with the ECDC and WHO guidelines and recommendations, and in conjunction with other European initiatives.This will be made possible by bringing together different networks of policy makers, experts and organizations on AMR and HCAI working in different European and International initiatives and projects relevant for policy decision.


Head of project
Funding organisation
Data sheet
Unit or group
European Union’s Health Programme
Start - End
Navarrabiomed y Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra
Marie-Cécile Ploy, Coordinator for Joint Action on AMR & HAI (JAMRAI) - ECCMID 2019 Amsterdam