EFA 305/19 Creation of an operational network for cross-border cooperation in emergency and disaster medicine (EGAL-URG)

Project management unit
EFA 305/19 Creation of an operational network for cross-border cooperation in emergency and disaster medicine (EGAL-URG)

The general objective of EGAL-URG is the creation of an operational network for cross-border cooperation in emergency and disaster medicine to reach equity in acess to emergency services to population on both transpyrenean borders.

The specific objectives and needs of the project are:

  • Harmonization of patient care practices and protocols to anticipate and manage emergencies or crisis situations.
  • Consistent training on both sides of the border for better collaboration between professionals.
  • Development of innovative tools to have a better response to an emergency or catastrophe, independently the territory it belongs to.

This project is funded by The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

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Data sheet
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Interreg POCTEFA
Start - End
Navarrabiomed y Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra