Genomic Medicine

0011-1411-2018-000047 pharmaNAGEN

Navarrabiomed and the Hospital Complex of Navarre (CHN) lead the PHARMANAGEN project, an initiative approved by the Government of Navarra in the call for Grants to carry out strategic R&D projects 2018-2020 in the GEMA challenge of Genomics and Advanced Medicine. This call finances cutting-edge projects in challenges and areas of special interest to society and to Navarre. Resolution 16E/2018.

This project is part of the NAGEN Program, which pursues the advancement in the knowledge and use of genomic analysis technology in the public health network of Navarre.


Coordinator:   Project partners:        






National Projects
Título corto o Acrónimo
Imagen del proyecto
Proyecto Propio o Vinculado
Unit or group
Departamento de Desarrollo Económico del Gobierno de Navarra
Área de investigación
Strategic R&D project 2018-2020 in the GEMA challenge of Genomics and Advanced Medicine.
Organismo financiador

Alonso Sánchez

‘Personalised medicine and genomic individuality’
Ángel Alonso Sánchez
Área de investigación
Unidad o grupo de investigación
Tipo de investigador
Tipo de investigación
Unidad de investigación

0011-1411-2019-000049 - Navarre strategy in genomic medicine applied to hypercholesterolemia (NAGENCOL)

Navarrabiomed and the Hospital Complex of Navarre (CHN) lead the NAGENCOL project, an initiative approved by the Government of Navarra in the call for Grants to carry out strategic R&D projects 2019-2021 in the GEMA challenge of Genomics and Advanced Medicine. This call finances cutting-edge projects in challenges and areas of special interest to society and to Navarre. Resolution 16E/2018.

This project is part of the NAGEN Program, which pursues the advancement in the knowledge and use of genomic analysis technology in the public health network of Navarre.

The direction of the project falls to doctors Ander Ernaga and Juan Pablo Martínez, specialist from the Service of Endocrinology of the Hospital Complex of Navarre (CHN).

Coordinator:   Project partners:        





National Projects
Título corto o Acrónimo
Imagen del proyecto
Proyecto Propio o Vinculado
Unit or group
Departamento de Desarrollo Económico del Gobierno de Navarra
Área de investigación
Organismo financiador

Genomic Medicine

Genomic Medicine

The Genomic Medicine Unit implements whole genome sequencing (WGS) methods for analysing entire genomes in the public health system. WGS is a powerful clinical, research and development tool in the field of precision medicine in Navarra. Emerging from research projects funded by the Department for Industry of the Government of Navarra, the Genomic Medicine Unit brings together its own staff (director, genetic advisor, geneticist, lab technician), clinical experts from the Navarra Hospital Complex (coordinators from twenty medical specialties), and staff from other Units (Bioinformatics) and Platforms, as well as advisors. At present, this Unit is carrying out four major research projects. Its core helps support future developments in this area.

Lines of research:

  • Identification of new genes or genetic variants that increase the risk of developing genetically-based disorders in patients with rare diseases.
  • Identification of genomic alterations with an impact on clinical practice, diagnosis, prognosis, therapies, and personal and reproductive risk prediction in patients and subtypes of cancer.
  • Identification of genomic variants determining the likely response of an individual to therapeutic drugs (pharmacogenomics).
  • Development of new bioinformatics analysis tools for applying genomic analysis in health systems (together with the Bioinformatics Unit).
Investigador principal
Área de investigación
Genomic Medicine
Implementing whole genome sequencing methods for analysing entire genomes

Navarrabiomed launches NAGENCOL, an initiative to use whole-genome sequencing to offer patients with hypercholesterolemia personalised treatment to avoid coronary events


High-cholesterol levels, or hypercholesterolemia, affects nearly 1500-2500 people in Navarra, and less than 20 per cent of them are not aware that they suffer from this condition. Hypercholesterolemia is considered to cause 22 per cent of coronary events, most of which could be prevented with early diagnosis and treatment. The biomedical research centre Navarrabiomed has launched NAGENCOL, a project to address this issue using whole-genome sequencing as a diagnostic tool to offer personalised treatment to patients who suffer from hypercholesterolemia. The project is framed within NAGEN, a global strategy aimed at applying genomic medicine in the Navarra Health System-Osasunbidea (SNS-O).

Currently, hypercholesterolemia poses a real challenge to the public health system, because the life expectancy of untreated patients can decrease by 25 years, and 50 per cent of them are more likely to have a heart attack before the age of 55. NAGENCOL addresses this problem, offering a new model that uses genomic information, together with other clinical and demographic data, to bring precision medicine to individual patients.

This ambitious public health project has a budget of 2 million Euro, contributed by the Department of Economic Development at the Directorate-General for Industry, Energy and Innovation of the Government of Navarra, within the framework of the Genomics and Advanced Medicine project (GEMA) and the Intelligent Specialisation Strategy S3.

The NAGENCOL activities are managed by five strategic partners specialising in clinical practice, scientific and technical services, and research. They include the Navarra Hospital Complex (CHN), Nasertic, Tracasa Instrumental SL and Navarrabiomed as the leader of the study. The project is headed by Dr Ander Ernaga and Dr Juan Pablo Martínez from the Endocrinology Service at CHN.

NAGEN Strategy

Since 2016, Navarrabiomed has been leading the Genomic Medicine Strategy (NAGEN) of the Navarra Health System-Osasunbidea. With the support of the Government of Navarra, Navarrabiomed has since coordinated two strategic projects: NAGEN 1000 (best precision medicine project award winner in 2018) and Pharmanagen.

The two initiatives, along with NAGENCOL, are being used to set up, in the SNS-O patient care units, the infrastructure required for using genomic data as a powerful diagnostic tool and to determine the best personalised treatment for each patient.

Galería de imágenes
Jorge Marín (Navarrabiomed); Juan Pablo Martínez (CHN); Gonzalo Etayo (Nasertic); Jorge Jiménez (Nasertic); Roberto Clerigué (iTracasa); Mikel Galar (UPNA) and Carlos Aranda (iTracasa).
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NAGEN 1000: diagnosis of rare genetic disorders through whole genome sequencing


Navarrabiomed has led the NAGEN: Navarra Genome 1000 project since 2016. The project focuses on whole genome sequencing for a new approach to rare genetic disorders in the Navarra Health System-Osasunbidea (SNS-O). So far, thanks to collaboration with doctors from 18 medical specialties at the Navarra Hospital Complex (CHN), the study includes data about 400 patients and their relatives, precise diagnoses for 25 per cent patients and identification of possible causes for another 25 per cent.

The patients that are part of the study had not been accurately diagnosed, despite having been treated by several specialists and having taken a large number of traditional tests. Angel Alonso, the coordinator of the project, highlighted the project’s relevance to healthcare services: ‘Making genomic analysis available to the public health system is revolutionary. It means a significant change in the clinical approach to patients with rare genetic disorders.’

Impact on the patient and their family

On the occasion of Rare Disease Day on the last day of February, it is worth mentioning that about 6 per cent of the global population are individuals with rare diseases. In Navarra, their number amounts to 38,000. At present, there are 7000 types of rare diseases, most of them of genetic origin.

In many cases, genetic testing enables the patient and their family to get a deeper knowledge of their condition and its progression, to understand how a genetic disease is inherited and to learn about the risks for other family members. The emotional significance of finding answers to the questions posed by the symptoms – which sometimes have remained unanswered for too long – means putting an end to uncertainty and isolation for most patients with rare diseases.

NAGEN 1000: a pioneering project in Spain

NAGEN 1000 is a ground-breaking project at the national level, placing Navarra at the forefront of genomic analysis and technology. The project was introduced last year at the Senate Presentation of Genomic Studies, whose conclusions were approved in 2019, thus green-lighting the development of a national strategy for personalised medicine.

Currently, the project’s methods, procedures and infrastructure are being transferred to daily clinical practice in SNS-O, to the benefit of the people of Navarra.

NAGEN 1000 is financed by the Economic Development Department at the Directorate-General for Industry, Energy and Innovation within the framework of the Intelligent Specialisation Strategy S3. It is being developed by a consortium made of CHN, Nasertic (a company run by the Government of Navarra), Avantia and Navarrabiomed, leader and coordinator of the project, with the support of the Directorate-General for Information Technology, Telecommunications and Public Information (DIGITIP), and the cooperation of the Centro Nacional de Análisis Genómico (CNAG-CRG) and the Clinical Bioinformatics Research Area into Rare Diseases (CIBERER) of Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII).

Colaboraciones Logotipos
NagenMX Prevención personalizada
Nagen 1000
Nagen 1000
Alonso Sánchez
Head of the Unit
Anda Apiñaniz, Emma
Servicio de Endocrinología y Nutrición, CHN
Armendariz, Yolanda
Servicio de Pediatría, CHN
Artigas López, Mercedes
Servicio de Genética Médica, CHN
Aznal, Elena
Servicio de Pediatría, CHN
Bandrés Elizalde, Eva
Servicio de Hematología, CHN
Bartolomé, Javier
Servicio de Atención Primaria
Basturce Elorz, Mª Teresa
Servicio de Carciología, CHN
Bengoa, Amaya
Servicio de Genética, CHN
Celaya, Concepción
Subdirección de Farmacia
Cuesta Zorita, Manuel Jesús
Servicio de Psiquiatría, Salud mental
Curi Chercoles, Sergio Miguel
Servicio de Neumología, CHN
De la Cruz Sánchez, Susana
Servicio de Oncología Médica, CHN
Erviti, Juan
Innovación SNS-O
Fanlo Mateo, Patricia
Servicio de Medicina Interna, CHN
Gorría, Nerea
Servicio de Pediatría, HUN
Guerra Lacunza, Ana
Servicio de Aparato Digestivo, CHN
Gutiérrez, Marta
Innovación SNS-O
Hualde, Josune
Servicio de Pediatría, HUN
Ibáñez Bosch, Rosario
Servicio de Endocrinología y Nutrición, CHN
Lavilla, Ana
Servicio de Pediatría, CHN
Leache, Leire
Innovación SNS-O
Molinuevo Ruiz de Zarate, José Ignacio
Servicio de Oftalmología, CHN
Montes Díaz, Marta
Servicio de Anatomía Patológica, CHN
Moreno, María
Servicio de Genética, CHN
Navarro, Adela
Servicio de Cardiología, CHN
Otamendi, Ana
Servicio de Atención Primaria
Pasalodos Sánchez, Sara
Servicio de Genética, CHN
Purroy Irurzon, Carolina Eugenia
Servicio de Nefrología, CHN
Rupérez, Eva
Servicio de Pediatría, CHN
Sáez de Ocáriz, Ana
Servicio de Radiología Intervencionista
Sagaseta de Ilurdoz Uranga, Mª Josefa
Servicio de Pediatría, CHN
Saiz, Luis Carlos
Innovación SNS-O
Salgado Garrido, Josefa
Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra
Santesteban Muruzabal, Raquel
Formación Sanitaria Especializada A.P., Atención Primaria
Vicuña, Miren
Viguria, Mª Cruz
Servicio de Hematología
Yoldi Petri, Mª Eugenia
Servicio de Pediatría, CHN
Zubicaray Ugarteche, José Jacinto
Servicio de Otorrinolaringología, CHN
Zudaire, Maite
Servicio de Hematología
Unidad de investigación / Grupo Vinculado
Genomic Medicine

Navarrabiomed - Centro de investigación biomédica
Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra, edificio de investigación.
Calle Irunlarrea, 3. 31008 Pamplona, Navarra, España.