
Molecular Pathology of Cancer

Molecular Pathology of Cancer

The Molecular Pathology of Cancer Research Unit, previously known as Cancer Epigenetics Unit, includes researchers from Navarrabiomed and clinical researchers from the Anatomical Pathology, Surgery and Neurosurgery Services at the Navarra Hospital Complex. Its main goal is to identify new biomarkers for prognosis and response to treatment in patients with different types of cancer: breast, gynaecological and brain tumours, among others.
This Unit works with other research groups at Navarrabiomed (Oncoimmunology, Oncobiona Tras), the Radiation Oncology Team at CHN, groups from other organisations (IUOPA in Oviedo, PEBC-IDIBELL in Barcelona), and technology platforms at Navarrabiomed, the National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO in Madrid) and the Biomedical Research Centre of La Rioja (CIBIR in Logroño).

Lines of research:

  • Identification of microRNAs and of hypermethylation in the tumour suppressor genes involved in solid tumour progression.
  • Analysis of prognostic value and predicted response to cancer treatment in solid tumour biomarkers.
  • Analysis of protein expression profiles as related to tumour characteristics.
  • In vitro functional assays.
Investigador principal
Equipo de investigadores
Área de investigación
Molecular Pathology of Cancer

Saioa Mendaza Lainez defenderá su tesis doctoral el martes, 30 de junio


Saioa Mendaza Lainez, investigadora predoctoral en la Unidad de Patología Molecular del Cáncer de Navarrabiomed, realizará la lectura de su tesis doctoral por la Universidad Pública de Navarra el martes 30 de junio, a las 11:30, a través de videoconferencia en Navarrabiomed (solamente podrán acudir aquellas personas autorizadas previamente). 

La tesis, titulada Approaching the epigenome of triple-negative breast cancer to identify new biomarkers, ha sido desarrollada en Navarrabiomed bajo la dirección del Dr. David Guerrero Setas y la Dra. Esperanza Martín Sánchez.

El cáncer de mama es la neoplasia más frecuente en mujeres a nivel mundial y la primera causa de muerte por cáncer en este mismo sexo. La investigación aborda el cáncer de mama triple negativo (CMTN), un subtipo que a diferencia del resto carece de tratamiento dirigido, lo que conlleva consecuencias más agresivas en las personas que lo padecen. Esto hace que a día de hoy, la búsqueda de nuevos biomarcadores y dianas terapéuticas para esta enfermedad sea imprescindible.

Dado que las alteraciones epigenéticas están involucradas en la tumorigénesis, el objetivo de esta tesis ha sido caracterizar la metilación del DNA y la acetilación de histonas de este tipo de cáncer. Con ello se ha buscado identificar nuevas firmas potencialmente diagnósticas y pronósticas, así como alteraciones destinatarias de fármacos dirigidos.

Los resultados de esta caracterización han permitido concluir que el patrón epigenético está alterado en CMTN respecto a tejido mamario no neoplásico. Más importante aún, la investigación ha desvelado dos alteraciones epigenéticas específicas como potenciales biomarcadores de peor pronóstico: la acetilación de la histona H4K5 y la hipometilación del gen ADAM12, el cual se presenta también como posible diana terapéutica frente a este cáncer.

Asimismo, se ha identificado una nueva firma basada en metilación de DNA con utilidad diagnóstica. Por último, se han descrito los procesos biológicos de los distintos genes regulados por la acetilación de H4K6 en líneas celulares no neoplásicas y CMTN.

El trabajo realizado ha dado lugar a tres publicaciones científicas y ha sido difundido en dos congresos consecutivos de European Association for Cancer Research; uno celebrado en Manchester en el año 2017 y en Amsterdam en el 2018.

Para el desarrollo de la tesis Saioa Mendaza ha sido beneficiaria de dos becas: Ayudas para la formación de Personal Investigador de la Univesidad Pública de Navarra  para la realización de tesis doctorales y Beca a la excelencia de la Funcación Caja Navarra para la realización de una estancia en University of Massachussets Medical School (EEUU).

Amat Villegas, Irene
Hospital Universitario de Navarra
Armendáriz Rubio, Pedro
Hospital Universitario de Navarra
Arriola Osés, Marta
Hospital Universitario de Navarra
Córdoba Iturriagagoitia, Alicia
Hospital Universitario de Navarra
Guarch Troyas, Rosa
Hospital Universitario de Navarra
Ruiz de Azua Ciria, Ana Yerani
Hospital Universitario de Navarra
Zazpe Cenoz, Idoya
Hospital Universitario de Navarra
Unidad de investigación / Grupo Vinculado
Molecular Pathology of Cancer

Navarrabiomed - Centro de investigación biomédica
Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra, edificio de investigación.
Calle Irunlarrea, 3. 31008 Pamplona, Navarra, España. 



The Oncoimmunology Research Unit develops gene vaccines for cancer treatment. It analyses their effects in inhibitory cells of the immune system, such as myeloid-derived suppressor cells, which appear in cancer patients and favour tumour progression and metastasis. The team have shown that treatment with a lentiviral vector that expresses an immunostimulating cytokine, a PD-L1 silencing microRNA and a tumour antigen inhibits the function of myeloid-derived suppressor cells and is effective against melanoma.

Investigador principal
Área de investigación
Gene therapy with lentiviral vectors in cancer treatment

Navarrabiomed leads a multicenter study that could increase the efficacy of immune checkpoint blockade therapies in lung cancer

  • Fractalkine was identified as a key biomarker associated to clinical response to immune checkpoint blockade therapy which could improve its efficacy in one of the four most frequent types of cancer

Navarrabiomed carried out a study in which the status of the immune system was evaluated in lung cancer patients before and during immunotherapy. The study showed that the quantities and diversity of immune cells (myeloid cells) in blood from patients who responded to immunotherapies was comparable to that of healthy individuals. Moreover, the researchers found that elevated concentrations of fractalkine were found in these patients. Fractalkine is a protein required for maintaining an active, functional immune system. These findings could lead to the development of new treatments and more efficacious immunotherapies by using this protein in conjunction with current therapies. 

The results were published in the journal EMBO Reports. The project was coordinated by Dr. Ana Bocanegra and Dr. Grazyna Kochan, researchers at the Onco-Immunology Unit of Navarrabiomed headed by Dr. David Escors. The study was carried out in close collaboration with the department of Medical Oncology at Hospital Universitario de Navarra (HUN) led by Dr. Ruth Vera, and it was funded by grants from the Spanish Association Against Cancer, Carlos III Health Institute-ERDF and the Government of Navarra’s Ministry of Economic and Business Development. 

Research development 

The study identified fractalkine as a biomarker of response by associating elevated concentrations of the protein with a better response to immune checkpoint blockade therapies. This protein was also presented as a new therapeutic agent capable of increasing the efficacy of PD-1 immune checkpoint blockade therapies in animal models of lung cancer that were previously resistant to this therapy. 

The authors reported that therapies that are more efficacious could be developed from these results in the medium/long term by using fractalkine to stimulate immunoreactivity and thus improve the response to immunotherapy. 

“These results confirm the need for a functional immune system prior to the administration of immunotherapies and, most importantly, they open up a line of research in which the anti-tumor action of fractalkine can be enhanced. In the long term, fractalkine treatment in combination with immunotherapies could be assessed in clinical trials,” said Navarrabiomed researcher Grazyna Kochan. 

Collaborative study

The research team from Navarrabiomed and HUN collaborated with multidisciplinary groups from Navarra, La Rioja and Madrid coordinated by professionals with a proven track record in cancer research and clinical care, including: Dr. Rubén Pío, Dr. Luis Montuenga and Dr. Juan José Lasarte from Cima Universidad de Navarra, Dr. Alejandra Roncero from Hospital Universitario San Pedro (Logroño, La Rioja), Dr. Carolina Gotera from Hospital Universitario Fundación Jiménez Díaz (Madrid), Dr. Alfonso Ventura from Centro de Salud Salazar-Ezcároz (Navarra) and Dr. José Pichel from Centro de Investigación Biomédica de La Rioja (CIBIR, Logroño). Patients and their family members at the HUN and residents in Centro de Salud Salazar-Ezcároz (Navarra) also participated in the study.

Caption > From left to right: Luis Montuenga (Cima), David Escors and Grazyna Kochan (Navarrabiomed), Ruth Vera (HUN) y Rubén Pío (Cima). Absent in the photo: Ana Bocanegra (Navarrabiomed).

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From left to right: Luis Montuenga (Cima), David Escors and Grazyna Kochan (Navarrabiomed), Ruth Vera (HUN) and Rubén Pío (Cima).
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Immunological profile against SARS-CoV-2 infection and Bnt162b2 mRNA vaccine characterised in patients with solid tumours


The Oncoimmunology Unit of Navarrabiomed, headed by Drs. Grazyna Kochan and David Escors in collaboration with the Oncobiona Unit, headed by Drs Ruth Vera and María Alsina, have characterized the memory T-cell responses against SARS in solid-tumour patients with previous SARS-CoV-2 infection followed by mRNA vaccination.

The study demonstrates that patients with solid tumours vaccinated with Bnt162b2 exhibit proficient antibody, T-cell and myeloid responses against the S1 protein of SARS-CoV-2 virus. Furthermore, patients with previous COVID-19 generate a potent memory T-cell response against S1 and M viral proteins. This indicates that the incorporation of the M protein in vaccine formulations could increase the efficacy of vaccines in cancer patients. 

In addition, vaccination followed by a previous infection was also reported to markedly increase the immune response to the S1 protein. The study also highlight the exacerbated Th17 response after infection and vaccination in solid tumour patients, who already have baseline inflammation due to the disease. This suggests the requirement of further research in novel mRNA vaccine adjuvants to avoid this inflammatory response.

These results are part of the thesis by Miriam Echaide, PhD student of the Oncoimmunology Unit, and are included in the scientific production of the Navarra Health Research Institute (IdiSNA), a public-private group for the promotion of biomedical research in Navarra, of which Navarrabiomed is a member.

The research is funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 Science and Innovation programme. The Oncoimmunology group has the additional support of other institutions such as the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC), the Carlos III Health Institute, the Department of Health and the Department of University, Innovation and Digital Transformation of the Government of Navarra and the Ministry of Science and Innovation.


Virologist and Navarrabiomed researcher David Escors receives innovation award at 5th SER Radio Network Awards in Navarre


David Escors Murugarren, the principal investigator and head of the Navarrabiomed Oncoimmunology Research Unit and an expert on coronavirus, was the winner at the annual SER Radio Network Awards in Navarre of the innovation award, which is sponsored by the company Viscofan. The jury applauded his research work on SARS-CoV-2, given that he leads a project whose mission is to create a platform for speeding up vaccine production in cases of pandemics like the current COVID-19 pandemic.

In his acceptance speech, Escors highlighted the value of the work done at research centers on a daily basis. “Our lab works every day in the fight against cancer and also against autoimmune diseases, which should not be overlooked, even though we’re now in an emergency situation,” he said. He expressed his gratitude, but also his surprise at winning the award and said, “There are many other scientists working every day, just like us. It’s our work, our passion, and it’s what we studied for and trained to do.” He ended his speech by thanking his family and friends for their support throughout his professional career.

The ceremony of the fifth edition of the SER Radio Network Awards in Navarre was held at the Baluarte Auditorium and hosted by journalist Joaquim Torrents. This year, COVID-19 and its consequences were particularly relevant and the jury naturally took them into account when deciding on the award winners. In total, 10 people or groups were recognized for their work in different facets of Navarre society.

Premios SER Navarra

Two projects of the Institute of Public and Occupational Health of Navarre and Navarrabiomed to promote COVID-19 research receive €232,000 in funding

  • The Carlos III Health Institute finances two projects in Navarre through Spain's COVID-19 Fund and grants the full amount applied for in both cases. 

The Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, through the Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII), has awarded €232,000 to develop two public research projects within the context of the Navarre Health Research Institute (IdiSNA). David Escors Murugarren, a researcher at Navarrabiomed, and Jesús Castilla Catalán, a researcher at the Institute of Public and Occupational Health of Navarre (ISPLN), have received 100% of the amounts they applied for from the COVID-19 Fund, a mechanism approved by Royal Decree-Law 8 of 17 March 2020 on urgent extraordinary measures for dealing with the economic and social impact of COVID-19.

David Escors, the principal investigator at the Navarrabiomed Oncoimmunology Research Unit, began his scientific career working on coronaviruses at the Spanish National Biotechnology Center (CNB-CSIC), along with researcher Luis Enjuanes. He then continued his work at University College London (UCL) by applying lentiviral vectors and gene therapy in immunotherapy. He is a coronavirus specialist and the positive evaluation received from the ISCIII will enable him to obtain the €115,000 he applied for to develop the project “Platforms for developing biosafe SARS-CoV-2 vaccines.”

The aim of the initiative is to develop a platform for engineering biosafe vaccines for the virus that causes COVID-19 disease. The focus will be on the expression of viral proteins that may activate immunity. This line of research was started up specifically for COVID-19, given the current health emergency, but is based on the European ISOLDA Project - Horizon 2020 for generating more effective and safer virus vaccines (yellow fever, influenza and coronavirus) for adults over 65. Navarrabiomed has worked on this project since 2019 in coordination with professionals from the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and with Dutch, German and Italian collaborators.

Institute of Public and Occupational Health of Navarre

At the Institute of Public and Occupational Health of Navarre’s Group of Infectious Diseases and Vaccines, Jesús Castilla will lead the study “Infection, Hospitalization, ICU Admissions and Deaths Caused by SARS-CoV-2 in a Population Cohort.” To carry out the study, he will also receive the total amount applied for from the ISCIII: €117,000.

His proposal focuses on estimating the effect of sociodemographic characteristics, chronic diseases and other conditioning health factors on the risk of infection, hospitalization and severe forms of COVID-19. This will involve calculating the incidence of suspected cases, infections confirmed using PCR, hospitalizations, ICU admissions, assisted ventilation and mortality. The mortality rate will also be calculated in confirmed cases and hospitalizations. Antibody seroprevalence will also be evaluated in a sample of patients from the sentinel physician network and/or donors.

This is the second SARS-CoV-2 initiative for Jesús Castilla, given the ISPLN’s participation in the European project I-MOVE-COVID-19, with the involvement of 11 countries and 20 organizations. It is one of the European projects funded through the fast-track call of Horizon 2020, the European Union’s research and innovation program to promote research of different aspects of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Both research projects financed by the ISCIII will form part of the scientific activity of the IdiSNA, a public-private partnership for promoting biomedical research in Navarre. Both the ISPLN and Navarrabiomed are partnership members.

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David Escors y Jesús Castilla
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La AECC concede a Hugo Arasanz una ayuda de investigación de 120.000 euros


El Dr. Hugo Arasanz, oncólogo del Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra e investigador de la Unidad de Inmunomodulación de Navarrabiomed - IdiSNA, recibió ayer en Madrid la Ayuda Clínico Junior de la Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (AECC). La financiación recibida (120.000 €) se destinará al proyecto "Subpoblaciones linfocitarias como biomarcador predictivo de respuesta a inmunoterapia anti-PD1/PDL1 en carcinoma no-microcítico de pulmón avanzado en 1º línea de tratamiento". Este estudio se desarrollará durante los próximos cuatro años y contará con la dirección del Dr. David Escors. 

El Museo Reina Sofía acogió ayer la entrega de las ayudas anuales de la AECC, dentro de los actos programados en el Día Mundial de la Investigación en Cáncer (WCRD en sus siglas en inglés), que se comemora cada año el 24 de septiembre. En total, la AECC ha entregado casi 21 millones de euros para financiar 171 proyectos que se suman a los 56M€ con los que hoy se están financiando 380 proyectos de investigación en desarrollo.

Asimismo, la asociación ha puesto de manifiesto la necesidad de elaborar un Plan Nacional de Investigación en Cáncer para alcanzar el 70% de supervivencia media a cinco años en el año 2030, en la actualidad se sitúa en un 53%.

Más información sobre el proyecto

La inmunoterapia antiPD1/PDL1 ha supuesto una revolución en el tratamiento del cáncer no-microcítico de pulmón, ya que ha mejorado los resultados de la quimioterapia, asociando además menor toxicidad. Por desgracia la proporción de pacientes que responden al tratamiento es reducida, son menos todavía los que mantienen la enfermedad controlada durante un periodo de tiempo prolongado, y no se dispone de biomarcadores predictivos que permitan identificar a estos pacientes con precisión.

El equipo del Dr. David Escors ha desarrollado un sistema de monitorización de poblaciones linfocitarias por citometría de flujo a partir de sangre periférica en pacientes en progresión a quimioterapia que permite predecir aquellos que van a responder a la inmunoterapia. Dada la reciente aprobación de la inmunoterapia en pacientes en primera línea, este proyecto pretende correlacionar los perfiles linfocitarios de los pacientes y su dinámica con la eficacia del tratamiento en este contexto, incorporando además el estudio de las citosinas proinmunogénicas en plasma y la posible influencia del daño genotóxico en las células inmunitarias producido por las diferentes terapias como causa de menor eficacia en segunda línea.

El proyecto del Dr. Hugo Arasanz se completará con estudios mecanísticos in vitro que permitan conocer los elementos que condicionan la respuesta al tratamiento y plantear combinaciones que puedan revertir la resistencia primaria a estas terapias.

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Hugo Arasanz junto al presidente de la Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer de Navarra (AECC Navarra) Francisco Arasanz en una de las carreras solidarias celebradas en Pamplona.
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Día Mundial contra el Cáncer
Día Mundial contra el Cáncer
Escors Murugarren
Head of the Unit
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360º Virtual Tour
Barrado Los Arcos, Marta
Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra
Fernández Hinojal, Gonzalo
Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra
Unidad de investigación / Grupo Vinculado

Navarrabiomed - Centro de investigación biomédica
Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra, edificio de investigación.
Calle Irunlarrea, 3. 31008 Pamplona, Navarra, España. 

Escors Murugarren

‘Our goal: finding a cure for cancer’
David Escors Murugarren
Área de investigación
Unidad o grupo de investigación
Tipo de investigador
Tipo de investigación
Unidad de investigación
Tesis dirigidas defendidas
María Gato Cañas
Study of two barriers in melanoma immunotherapy: Myeloid derived suppressor cells and PDL1/PD1 interaction.
Alessio Lanna
Molecular Tuning of Telomerase Activity in Senescent Human T cells.
Christopher Bricogne
Plasma membrane dynamics regulating the PD-1: PD-L1 pathway.
Therese Maria Liechtenstein
Lentivector-based cancer immunotherapy silencing PD-L1 and modulating cytokine priming; Development of ex vivo myeloid-derived suppressor cells to assess therapeutic efficacy.
Mehdi Baratchian
Understanding the mechanisms of NF-kB activation by viral oncoproteins vFLIP and Tax.
Holly Nicole Stephenson
Innate Immune Recognition of Glycosylated Surface Determinants of Campylobacter jejuni.

Cancer Signalling

Cancer Signalling

The two main causes of death in cancer patients are metastasis and resistance to therapy. The Signalling in Cancer Unit seeks to understand both the molecular mechanisms involved in the formation of secondary tumours (metastasis) and the strategies used by cancer cells to resist chemotherapy drugs and targeted therapies.
The ultimate goal of the Unit is to transfer results to clinical practice.

Lines of research:
  • Anoikis resistance as a metastasis prevention strategy in melanoma-type skin cancer.
  • New treatments for glioblastoma multiforme.
  • Personalised medicine for neuroendocrine tumours.
  • Metabolic adaptation and tumour progression in melanoma.
Investigador principal
Área de investigación
Drug resistance and metastasis

Metabolic rewiring induced by ranolazine improves melanoma responses to targeted therapy and immunotherapy


A study led by Navarrabiomed proposes a therapeutic alternative to treat melanoma.

  • The drug ranolazine, used to treat chronic angina pectoris, could improve response to anti-melanoma therapies.
  • This is a multicenter investigation carried out by Navarrabiomed biomedical research center, the Institute for Neurosciences CSIC-UMH, and IRB Barcelona.

The prestigious journal Nature Metabolism has published the results of a study in mice that determined that ranolazine, a drug that is currently administered to patients to treat heart conditions, delays the appearance of resistance to melanoma treatments, by blocking fatty acids metabolism. This research has been led by Navarrabiomed, together with the Institute for Neurosciences (CSIC-UMH) and IRB Barcelona. Melanoma is the most aggressive type of skin cancer and, although it only accounts for 10% of skin cancer cases, it is responsible for 90% of deaths associated with skin tumours. Thanks to the development of targeted therapies and immunotherapies, the clinical management of patients affected with this type of cancer has improved, however, these therapies still have limitations because 50% of patients do not respond adequately and even develop resistance.

The evidence suggests that this resistance could be linked to metabolic reprogramming in cancer cells that is associated to changes in the way in which cells process and use nutrients. This research demonstrates that fatty acid metabolism plays an important role in the development of resistance to melanoma treatments.

Researchers have confirmed that increased fatty acid oxidation occurs during long-term treatment with BRAF inhibitors, one of the key genes in tumour progression, contributing to therapy resistance.

Ranolazine increases the efficacy of targeted therapy against melanoma because it can target fatty acid oxidation. In addition, the application of this drug promotes that melanoma cells become more visible to the immune system,improving the response to immunotherapies and increasing the ability of lymphocytes to control tumour growth.

A multicenter investigation

The Navarrabiomed Cancer Signaling Unit, directed by Imanol Arozarena Martinicorena, has coordinated the course of the research and has been in charge of carrying out the experiments related to resistance to targeted therapies and the study of how ranolazine affects the immunogenicity of melanoma cells.

Researchers at the laboratory led by Berta Sánchez-Laorden, belonging to the Cell Plasticity in Development and Disease group at the Institute for Neurosciences, have developed immunotherapy experiments in mice and have carried out the study of immune cells in the tumour microenvironment.

In addition, the IRB Barcelona Stem Cells and Cancer research group, led by Salvador Aznar-Benitah, has carried out individual cell RNA sequencing analyses, which have made it possible to find out in detail the effect of the drug on the state metabolism of tumour cells.


This study, which has been made possible thanks to funding granted by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, the Carlos III Health Institute, the Government of Navarra, the Spanish Multidisciplinary Melanoma Group (GEM), and the Melanoma Research Alliance, is a clear example of how basic research can contribute a lot to the repositioning of drugs, which makes it possible to significantly shorten the deadlines for providing answers to patients suffering from diseases as prevalent as cancer.

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Marta Redondo and Imanol Arozarena, responsible for this research in Navarrabiomed
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Single cell sequencing analysis of different immune populations infiltrating untreated melanoma tumors or treated with ranolazine (Rano), immunotherapy (PDL1) or the combination of both (PDL1+Rano).
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Treatment with ranolazine increases the number of antitumour lymphocytes (green) that infiltrate the tumour(b lue) and favour the action of immunotherapy
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SARAY funds Navarrabiomed with 46,970 euros for two projects on metastatic breast cancer

  • Since 2015 the associations annual investment in research has been increased by 65%

On October 27th, 2019 Breast Cancer Association of Navarre SARAY collected 75,000 euros in the solidarity race celebrated in Pamplona. 49,970 euros will fund two studies developed by Navarrabiomed on metastatic breast cancer.

One of the projects is focused on liquid biopsy in this type of cancer, and it is led by Natalia Ramírez Huerto, the head of the Hematological Oncology Unit of Navarrabiomed. SARAY´s contribution for the second year of the project development raises to 24,970 euros. Other study lead by Cancer Signaling Unit head Imanol Arozarena Martinicorena will receive 22,000 euros. His project aims to develop new adjuvant therapies to treat brain and bone metastases from these tumors. The additional funds will be donated to the Chronos Hope Project from Solti Foundation.

On the 25th of June SARAY decided to allocate the incomes in a face-to-face and online assembly among 725 associates (event delayed three months later due to the COVID-19 crisis). During the last years, the organization shows a strong commitment with biomedical research performed in Navarre. Therefore, it is relevant to highlight that since 2015 SARAY has increased by 65% its annual investment in oncology research.


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Natalia Ramírez Huerto, investigadora principal de la Unidad de Oncohematología
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Imanol Arozarena Martinicorena, investigador principal de la Unidad de Señalización en Cáncer
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Navarrabiomed and University of Manchester researchers publish melanoma review in Nature


Imanol Arozarena, senior researcher from the Cancer Signalling Unit at the Navarrabiomed biomedical research centre and a member of Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de Navarra (IdiSNA), has recently published a melanoma review with University of Manchester Professor Claudia Wellbrock.

The two scientists were asked by the renowned scientific journal Nature Reviews: Cancer to write an article on the latest findings in melanoma cell distinct phenotypes and their relevance for melanoma development and response to therapy.

As many as 4000 new melanoma cases are diagnosed in Spain every year. Malignant melanoma is a serious type of skin cancer that is usually metastatic. It is notorious for its intra- and inter-tumour heterogeneity.

Such variability results from the ability of melanoma cells (melanocytes) to adjust to changing environmental conditions by reprogramming their genetic expression. Thus, melanocytes develop resistance to both targeted therapy and immunotherapy, and their plasticity plays a role in metastasis development.

In their article, the authors reveal the importance of combining recent developments in genomic technologies and the availability of large gene expression datasets for a precise definition of the gene signatures that characterise changes in each patient’s tumours and the prognostic relevance for tumour development and response to therapy.

According to Arozarena, ‘By understanding the molecular mechanisms that adapt melanoma cells to anti-tumour drugs, we will be able to prevent both therapy resistance and the progression of metastatic melanoma.

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Los autores, Arozarena y Wellbrock
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Colaboraciones Logotipos
Arozarena Martinicorena
Head of the Unit
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360º Virtual Tour
Cancer Signalling
Wellbrock, Claudia
Universidad Pública de Navarra
Unidad de investigación / Grupo Vinculado
Cancer Signalling

Navarrabiomed - Centro de investigación biomédica
Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra, edificio de investigación.
Calle Irunlarrea, 3. 31008 Pamplona, Navarra, España.