Precision medicine in hepatobiliary diseases: the value of a regional "bilebank" - BILEBANK

BILEBANK Digestiboa
Project management unit
Precision medicine in hepatobiliary diseases: the value of a regional "bilebank" - BILEBANK

Project funded within the Eurorregion (Nueva Aquitania - Euskadi - Navarra) framework, a common room for cooperation to promote projects that contribute to the economic, social and cultural development of the Euroregion on a cross-border, interregional and european scale.

The objective of the project is to establish in the Euroregion a common and functional biobank of human bile samples, a “bilebank”, to refine the processes necessary for the analysis of this liquid biopsy and to reinforce its scientific and technological cooperation between the partners. It is a pioneering project, as it is the first European initiative to develop an international biobank for the systematic collection of human bile samples.

BILEBANK is a project coordinated by the Foundation for Applied Medical Research - FIMA, with the participation of the Biocruces Bizkaia Health Research Institute Association and the University of Bordeaux. Navarrabiomed's participation is led by Jesús María Urman Fernández, member of the Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Research Unit.

Funding organisation
Data sheet
Unit or group
Eurorregión Nueva Aquitania - Euskadi - Navarra
Start - End
Navarrabiomed y Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra