Vaccination is a valuable investment in health with highly positive return for the sustained development of populations. It is a preventive tool involving much less cost than the cost of targeted diseases and their consequences.
Vaccination is a complex cross-sectorial issue, as pertaining to basic immunology discovery, benefit/safety evaluation and epidemiological surveillance, to public health policies and health system planning, to forecasting and financing, to health professionals’ education and health literacy, to cultural identities and social norms.
By involving a wide variety of stakeholders, the EU-JAV project aims at building concrete tools to improve vaccination coverage in EU and therefore improve population health. EU-JAV will also capitalise on the numerous existing initiatives and projects, to challenge and strengthen the European cooperation of Member states on vaccination while contributing to sustainably integrate EU-JAV achievements in health policies of European countries.
The JA Vaccination proposes to address several important issues, common to many countries such as establishing a sustained cooperation of relevant Member State authorities, defining basic principles for vaccine demand forecasting, developing a concept and prototype for a data warehouse for EU-wide sharing of vaccine supply and demand data.
To achieve this ambitious concrete actions, the project gathers 20 partners from 20 different countries as well as international organisations and relevant stakeholders.