Next March 23, at 10:00 will take place the online talk "Inspiring inventors - Join the conversation with Elena Garcia Armada (ES): World's first adaptable robotic exoskeleton for children".
"Inspiring inventors" is a series offered by the European Patent Academy. It features distinguished inventors who were nominated as finalists or winners of the European Inventor Award and their inventions. The series provides a unique opportunity to interact with the inventors and learn how to successfully bring an invention to market and contribute to innovation.
Invention: World's first adaptable robotic exoskeleton for children.
The inventor is the Spanish professor Elena García, who has developed an adaptable robotic exoskeleton for children who use wheelchairs. The exoskeleton enables the children to walk during muscle rehabilitation therapy, improving their well-being and extending their life expectancy.
An EPO expert will interview the inventor and participants will have the opportunity to ask questions.
More information here.