EIC Transition: Mature a novel technology and develop a business case to bring it to market

Innovation Calls
EIC Transition: Mature a novel technology and develop a business case to bring it to market
European Comission
Añadir al calendario 2025-01-30 23:01:05 2025-01-30 23:01:05 EIC Transition: Mature a novel technology and develop a business case to bring it to market EIC Transition funds innovation activities that go beyond the experimental proof of principle in laboratory to support both: The maturation and validation of your novel technology in the lab and in relevant application environments The development of a business case and (business) model towards the innovation’s future commercialisation. EIC Transition projects should address both technology and market/business development, possibly including iterative learning processes based on early customer or user feedback. The expected outcomes of an EIC Transition project are: A technology that is demonstrated to be effective for its intended application (TRL 5/6)  and A business model, its initial validation and a business plan for its development to market. Grants of up to EUR 2.5 million are available to validate and demonstrate technology in application-relevant environment and develop market readiness. Location Navarrabiomed info@navarrabiomed.es Europe/Madrid public

EIC Transition funds innovation activities that go beyond the experimental proof of principle in laboratory to support both:

  • The maturation and validation of your novel technology in the lab and in relevant application environments
  • The development of a business case and (business) model towards the innovation’s future commercialisation.

EIC Transition projects should address both technology and market/business development, possibly including iterative learning processes based on early customer or user feedback.

The expected outcomes of an EIC Transition project are:

  • A technology that is demonstrated to be effective for its intended application (TRL 5/6)  and
  • A business model, its initial validation and a business plan for its development to market.

Grants of up to EUR 2.5 million are available to validate and demonstrate technology in application-relevant environment and develop market readiness.

Single applicants (SMEs, spin-offs, start-ups, research organisations, universities) or small consortia (max 5 partners) may apply.

Applications are restricted to results generated by the following eligible projects:

  • EIC Pathfinder projects (including projects funded under EIC pilot Pathfinder, Horizon 2020 FET-Open, FET-Proactive, FET Flagships
  • ERANETs projects under the FET programme (including ChistERA, quantERA and FLAG-ERA)
  • European Research Council (ERC)  Proof of Concept projects

Applicants will need to demonstrate that are the owner or holder of the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), or have the necessary rights to commercialise the results from one of these eligible projects.

The application form will be available in the F&T portal under the EIC transition call page.

1-3 years
500.000€ - 2.500.000€
+ Info
EIC transition - Funding opportunities