Interreg Europe first call for proposals – terms of reference

Interreg Europe first call for proposals – terms of reference
European Regional Development Fund (FEDER)
Añadir al calendario 2022-03-01 01:00:00 2022-05-31 02:00:00 Interreg Europe first call for proposals – terms of reference Through its cohesion policy, the European Union works to reduce disparities both in the levels of development and in quality of life in European regions. It promotes actions aiming at making the European territory more innovative, more sustainable, and more inclusive, thus improving quality of life of the inhabitants. The large majority of the funds designated to reduce these disparities are managed at the regional or national levels. The European Union believes that regional development can also be improved through cooperation across borders. This call opens on 05/04/2022 In this context, the Interreg Europe programme supports the exchange and transfer of experience, innovative approaches and capacity building among public authorities and other policy relevant organisations across Europe with a view to improving their regional development policy instruments including programmes under the Investment for jobs and growth goal. Home page Priority of the call: "Better cooperation governance". Policy objetives: smarter Europe, greener Europe, more social Europe, more connected Europe and Europe closer to citizens. Location Navarrabiomed info@navarrabiomed Europe/Madrid public

Through its cohesion policy, the European Union works to reduce disparities both in the levels of development and in quality of life in European regions. It promotes actions aiming at making the European territory more innovative, more sustainable, and more inclusive, thus improving quality of life of the inhabitants. The large majority of the funds designated to reduce these disparities are managed at the regional or national levels. The European Union believes that regional development can also be improved
through cooperation across borders. This call opens on 05/04/2022

In this context, the Interreg Europe programme supports the exchange and transfer of experience, innovative approaches and capacity building among public authorities and other policy relevant organisations across Europe with a view to improving their regional development policy instruments including programmes under the Investment for jobs and growth goal. Home page

Priority of the call: "Better cooperation governance". Policy objetives: smarter Europe, greener Europe, more social Europe, more connected Europe and Europe closer to citizens.

The programme eligible area covers the whole European Union territory with its 27 Member States, including insular and outermost regions. In addition, Norway and Switzerland are full members of the programme and organisations from these countries are eligible to participate in projects. Partners from other countries can participate at their own costs. Check the elegible countries list. 

In line with the programme’s objective, the policy responsible authorities are the core target group of Interreg Europe. These organisations can be national, regional or local authorities as well as other relevant organisations responsible for elaborating and/or delivering regional development policies.


The following organisations are eligible to receive ERDF or Norwegian funding.

  • Public authorities,
  • Public law bodies (bodies governed by public law),
  • Private non-profit bodies.

Private non-profit bodies and partners from Switzerland cannot take on the role of lead partner. Beyond the issue of eligibility, one of the key success factors for any application is to ensure that the proposed partnership is coherent with the objective and issue addressed in the proposal (see section of the manual).

The application pack for the call is available on the programme website ( and includes the following:

  • the present terms of reference
  • the programme manual
  • the application form template in the Interreg Europe portal
  • the ‘declaration’ template

Project applicants who would like to submit a proposal must complete an application form in English, as it is the working language of the programme. Applications submitted in another language will be considered ineligible.