Eventos de Innovación
Combatting Cancer: How Innovation Actors Are Changing the Landscape
Eventos de Innovación
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T +34 848 422 201
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2024-02-01 10:00:00
2024-01-23 13:49:53
Combatting Cancer: How Innovation Actors Are Changing the Landscape
The Observatory of the European Patent Office (EPO) offers a new event exploring the dynamic intersection of patents, technology and the battle against cancer.
Based on a thorough analysis of technological trends spanning 50 years, the EPO will present the key trends in cancer-fighting innovations.
The session provides an introduction to major new resources that are directly relevant for inventors, universities, public research centres, investors and startups.
Registration here.
Online webinar
Online webinar
The Observatory of the European Patent Office (EPO) offers a new event exploring the dynamic intersection of patents, technology and the battle against cancer.
Based on a thorough analysis of technological trends spanning 50 years, the EPO will present the key trends in cancer-fighting innovations.
The session provides an introduction to major new resources that are directly relevant for inventors, universities, public research centres, investors and startups.
Registration here.