ERA4Health JTC 2025: Understanding the interactions between cardiovascular diseases and comorbidities and/or their therapeutic treatments (InterHeart)

ERA4Health JTC 2025: Understanding the interactions between cardiovascular diseases and comorbidities and/or their therapeutic treatments (InterHeart)
European Commission
Añadir al calendario 2025-01-07 01:00:00 2025-03-07 01:00:00 ERA4Health JTC 2025: Understanding the interactions between cardiovascular diseases and comorbidities and/or their therapeutic treatments (InterHeart) ERA4Health Partnership has launched its new Joint Transnational Call: InterHeart. This call aims to support research that: build our understanding of molecular and cellular mechanisms governing interactions between the cardiovascular system and the other organs/systems when at least one of the two presents a pathological state, build a comprehensive approach to understanding cardiovascular disease interactions, combining basic research, clinical translation, and digital innovation through international collaboration, enable transnational collaboration of multidisciplinary scientists from different countries to work together across borders, taking advantage of complementary expertise and leveraging diverse patient populations and sets of data. The proposals should focus on expanding knowledge and understand: how CVD affect the performance of other organs/systems and/or their capacity to respond to treatments, how disorders other than CVD affect cardiovascular system performance including response to treatments, and/or how treatment for disorders other than CVD affect positively or negatively the performance of the cardiovascular system. The proposals should include one of the following approaches: Mechanistic / experimental research, Identification and validation of biomarkers of organs/systems/disorders crosstalk mentioned above (including epigenetics biomarkers), Generation of digital models of disease(s) to study disease-disease or disease-drug. Exclusion: Except for small-scale clinical studies up to phase 2, all other clinical studies are excluded in this call, Proposals which are not dealing with the cardiovascular system or CVD, Proposals that only study the cardiovascular system or CVD without studying the interaction with other organs, systems, diseases or the response to their treatment, Studies on how CVD treatments affect the performance of other system/organs, Development of therapeutics, Infectious diseases, even if studied with CVD. More info through this link. A webinar will be held on 14 January.  Location Navarrabiomed info@navarrabiomed Europe/Madrid public

ERA4Health Partnership has launched its new Joint Transnational Call: InterHeart. This call aims to support research that:

  • build our understanding of molecular and cellular mechanisms governing interactions between the cardiovascular system and the other organs/systems when at least one of the two presents a pathological state,
  • build a comprehensive approach to understanding cardiovascular disease interactions, combining basic research, clinical translation, and digital innovation through international collaboration,
  • enable transnational collaboration of multidisciplinary scientists from different countries to work together across borders, taking advantage of complementary expertise and leveraging diverse patient populations and sets of data.

The proposals should focus on expanding knowledge and understand:

  • how CVD affect the performance of other organs/systems and/or their capacity to respond to treatments,
  • how disorders other than CVD affect cardiovascular system performance including response to treatments,
  • and/or how treatment for disorders other than CVD affect positively or negatively the performance of the cardiovascular system.

The proposals should include one of the following approaches:

  • Mechanistic / experimental research,
  • Identification and validation of biomarkers of organs/systems/disorders crosstalk mentioned above (including epigenetics biomarkers),
  • Generation of digital models of disease(s) to study disease-disease or disease-drug.


  • Except for small-scale clinical studies up to phase 2, all other clinical studies are excluded in this call,
  • Proposals which are not dealing with the cardiovascular system or CVD,
  • Proposals that only study the cardiovascular system or CVD without studying the interaction with other organs, systems, diseases or the response to their treatment,
  • Studies on how CVD treatments affect the performance of other system/organs,
  • Development of therapeutics,
  • Infectious diseases, even if studied with CVD.

More info through this link. A webinar will be held on 14 January. 

Researchers from elegible institutions and elegible countries are elegible to apply. 

The PI must have a PhD. 

Through the ERA4Health online platform

3 years